


It is widely used in shipbuilding, oil mining, and loading machines. In 2008, the ship output reached 15,000 tons, and the amount of toned tonal accounted for 21%of the world's market. By 2015, it will become the world's largest shipbuilding country. In order to ensure the normal navigation or tie of the ship and meet the needs of the crew and passengers, each ship must be equipped with a certain number of ship pumps that can play a corresponding role. The ship pump is one of the important auxiliary machines. According to incomplete statistics, among various ships auxiliary machinery and equipment, the total number of types of ship pumps of various types and different uses accounts for about 20%-30%of the total number of ship machinery and equipment. The proportion is also relatively large. In the total cost, the ship pump accounts for about 4%-8%of the cost of the ship's equipment. Generally, the shipping pump for a medium-sized ship can purchase more than 10 million yuan. When it comes to the key use of the pump market, it is necessary to say that the "West Qi East Inspection" project that has been completed in my country has also required pump products in the "West gas East Inspection" project. At the same time, the state also needs to build other natural gas pipelines, and a large number of pump products are also needed in these projects.

Different use

The water pump has different uses, different transport liquid media, different flows, and the range of different ranges. Therefore, of course, its structure forms are different, and the materials are different. Summary, it can be roughly divided into:

1. Urban water supply 2. Sewage system 3. Civil engineering, construction system 4. Agricultural water conservancy system 5. Power station system

6. Chemical system 7. Petroleum industry system 8. Mining metallurgy system 9. Light Industry System 10. Shipping System

LAST: ​ The water pump uses polymer composite materials NEXT:The classification of water pump is classified according to use

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