Water pump discern is true and false



First, the product packaging of the original water pump or the supporting manufacturer is generally standardized, the handwriting is clear and formal, and there are detailed product names, specifications, registered trademarks, factory names, factories, and phone numbers. The location of the factory and factory is not clear.

Second, the qualified pump surface is smooth and good in workmanship. The more important the parts, the higher the processing accuracy, and the string the rust -proof anti -corrosion. When buying, it is found that the parts have rust spots or rubber pieces, losing elasticity, or bright machining pattern on the surface of the neck, which should not be the original accessories.

Third, the appearance of inferior water pump is sometimes good. However, due to the poor production process, it is easy to be damaged. When purchasing, as long as you observe the hidden parts such as the side and corner of the accessories, you can see the quality of the accessories process.

Fourth, some water pumps are renovated by waste accessories. At this time, as long as the surface is painted on the surface of the accessories, the old paint can be found. Such a pump is best not used.

Fifth, the parts I bought are installed on the car, depending on whether it can be matched with and its accessories. Generally, the original accessories can be well assigned to the car, and the inferior accessories are difficult to cooperate between the parts because the process is not fine and the processing error is large.

Sixth, in order to ensure the technical requirements of the assembly relationship of the pump, some regular parts wrap the noodles engraved with assembly marks to ensure the correct installation of the accessories. If there is no sign or a blur, it cannot be recognized, it is not a qualified accessory.

Seventh, the regular water pump assembly and components must be complete to ensure smooth loading and normal operation. The lack of small parts on some assembly parts is easy to install cars and cause difficulties. This accessory may be counterfeit accessories.

Eighth, some important accessories, especially the total category, generally have instructions and qualification certificates when leaving the factory to guide users to install, use and maintain. The counterfeit assembly generally does not have detailed installation instructions to guide these.

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