Water pump doped water pollution



The method of doping of fuel is the problem of pneumatic water spraying and emulsification diesel.

1. Spray pneumatic water spraying

The main function of pneumatic water spraying is heat absorption and dilution fuel density. When a small amount of water enters the combustion chamber and the atomization is good, the "slight explosion" of the water vapor crushes the oil droplets into smaller oil droplets, which promotes the formation and combustion of mixed gas. During the combustion process, due to the heat absorption effect of water, the highest combustion temperature can be reduced. For example, mixed water and oil spray can reduce the fuel density and further reduce the maximum combustion temperature, so NOX emissions are reduced. It should be noted that the water storage tank needs to be freezing in winter, and it is required to automatically adjust the water spray volume with the load size.

2. Emulsion diesel

Mixing water in diesel, that is, emulsified diesel, because of its "emblem explosion", it makes it good for fuel fuel at a good atomization. reduce. The water and gas reaction of water vapor also reduces the discharge of charcoal smoke. In addition, emulsification diesel can reduce the maximum burning temperature, so NOX has a decrease in production.

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