Common faults and troubleshooting methods of submersible pumps






1. Pump cannot start




Reason: The power supply voltage is too low; Open circuit at a certain point in the circuit; The pump impeller is stuck by foreign objects; Cable breakage; Excessive voltage drop in the cable and damage to the cable plug; One phase of the three-phase cable is not connected; The motor room winding is burnt out.




Troubleshooting method: Adjust the voltage to 342V~418V; Identify the cause of the power outage and eliminate it; Remove the guide component and remove any debris; Replace according to the cable specification table; Use thicker cables instead; Replace with a new plug, check the switch outlet and cable; Overhaul the motor.




2. After starting the pump, there is no water output, and there is little or intermittent water output




Reason: The motor cannot start; Pipeline blockage; Pipeline rupture; The water filter is blocked; The suction port is exposed to the water surface; The motor is reversed, the pump casing sealing ring, and the impeller are damaged; Excessive head exceeding the rated head of the submersible pump; The impeller is reversed.




Troubleshooting method: Eliminate circuit faults; Remove blockages; Repair welding or pipe replacement; Remove blockages; Reinstall; Replace the wiring position of the power cord; Replace with new parts; Replace the high lift pump; Reinstall.




3. The electric motor cannot start with sound




Reason: One phase is open circuit; Bearing holding shaft; There are foreign objects inside the impeller and the pump body is stuck.




Troubleshooting method: Repair the circuit; Repair or replace bearings; Remove foreign objects.

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