Maintenance of submersible pumps









Due to the use of submersible pumps and motors submerged in water, if the technical performance does not meet the requirements, it may not only fail to pump, but also cause safety accidents. Therefore, attention must be paid to the maintenance and upkeep of submersible pumps.




1. Frequent inspection of seals




Water ingress into the submersible pump can cause the motor to short-circuit and burn out. Therefore, before each use, various sealing components of the submersible pump must be inspected. If any looseness is found, it should be tightened in a timely manner. If the sealing components are damaged, they should be replaced with new ones in a timely manner. After every 50 hours of operation, the submersible pump should be lifted off the ground and the sealing components inspected to ensure safe use.




2. Regularly replace lubricating oil




After working for 500 hours, the oil in the sealing chamber of the oil immersed submersible pump should be replaced. After working for a year, the oil in the motor cavity should be replaced. And attention should be paid to the grade of the engine oil. The engine oil used for submersible pumps is generally No. 5 or No. 10 engine oil. Different grades of oil cannot be mixed for use.




After continuous operation of the wet submersible pump for 2000 hours, the lubricating oil needs to be replaced once. The replaced lubricating oil is lithium based grease, and calcium based grease cannot be used.




3. Regular rust removal




After one year of use, the submersible pump should be inspected for rust, removed from the rust, and coated with a layer of anti rust paint for protection.



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