Frequently Asked Questions of Pumps



Unable to start

First, check the power supply situation: whether the connector is reliable; whether the switch is tight; whether the fuse is melted; whether the three -phase power supply is not equal. If there are disconnection, poor contact, fuse melting, and lack of phase, the reasons should be found and repaired in time. Secondly, check whether it is the mechanical failure of the pump itself. The common reasons are: the filler is too tight or the impeller and the pump are blocked by the debris; the pump shaft, bearings, leakage re of the rust are held; the pump shaft is severely bent. Removal method: Relax the filler, clear the water diversion tank; remove the pump body to remove the debris, rust removal; remove the pump shaft correction or replace the new pump axis.

Pump fever

Reason: Bearing damage; rolling bearing or bracket cover is too small; the pump shaft is bent or the two axles are different; the tape is too tight; the lack of oil or oil is not good; Pitches on one side. Removal method: Replace the bearings; remove the rear cover, add a pad between the bracket and the bearing seat; investigate the concentricity of the pump shaft or adjust the two axis; properly adjust the tightness of the loose tape; About 60%of the inner gap; clear the block in the balance hole.

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