Precautions for pumps



1. If there are any small faults in the pump, remember not to let it work. If the pump axis is worn in time after the fillers are worn, it will leak air if the pump is continued. The direct impact of this is that the energy consumption of the motor will increase the impeller.

2. If the water pump occurs strongly during the use of the use of a strong vibration, it must be stopped to check what the reason is, otherwise it will also cause damage to the pump.

3. When the water pump bottom valve leaks water, some people will fill them into the pump inlet pipe with dry soil and rush to the bottom valve with water. This method is really not desirable. Because when the dry soil is put in the water pipe, when the pump starts to work, these dry soil will enter the pump. At this time, it will damage the water pump impeller and bearings, which shortens the life of the pump. When the bottom valve leaks, it must be used for repair. If it is serious, you need to replace the new one.

4. Pay attention to maintenance after the pump is used. For example, when the pump is used, the water in the pump should be cleaned. It is best to remove the water pipe and then rinse with water.

5. The tape on the pump must also be removed, then rinse with water and dry it in the light. Do not put the tape in a dark and humid place. The tape of the pump must not be stained with oil, let alone apply something sticky on the tape.

6. Carefully check whether there are cracks on the impeller, and whether the leaf wheels are fixed on the bearings. If there is a crack and loosening, it should be repaired in time.

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