Pump purchase



1. You must buy pumps according to local conditions. There are three types of agricultural water pumps, namely centrifugal pumps, shaft flow pumps and mixed flow pumps. The emergence of the centrifugal pump is high, but the amount of water out of the water is not large. It is suitable for mountainous and well irrigation areas. The amount of water outlets in the axis pump is large, but the raising is not too high. Between shaft flow pumps, it is suitable for use in plains and hills. Users should buy the conditions, water sources and water lifting of the base areas.

2. To choose the pump appropriately. After determining the type of water pump, we must consider its economic performance, and pay special attention to the choice of the pump and the choice of traffic and its supporting power. It must be noted that the raising (total raising) indicated on the pump signs is different from the water outlet (actual raising) during use. This is because there will be certain resistance loss when the water flows pass through the water pipe and the pipeline. Therefore, the actual journey is generally 10%-20%lower than the total raising journey, and the amount of water out of water decreases accordingly. Therefore, in actual use, only 80%to 90%of the stroke and traffic of the signs can be estimated. The choice of the supporting power of the pump can be selected according to the power indicated on the sign. The power can also be slightly greater than the power required by the pump, which is generally about 10%higher than that of the pump; if there is a power, when purchasing a pump, you can buy the pump that is matched with the power of the power machine.

3. Purchase pumps strictly. When buying, the "three certificates" must be examined, that is, agricultural machinery promotion licenses, production licenses and product inspection qualification certificates. Only three certificates can avoid purchasing and eliminated products and inferior products.

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