Water quality requirements for residual water pumps use water quality



1. Generally non -corrosive water

2. The amount of sand in the water is not greater than 0.01%(quality ratio)

3. The pH value of pH is within 6.5-8.5.

4. The content of chloride ion in water is not greater than 400 mg/liter

5. Hydrogen sulfide content is not greater than 1.5 ml/liter

6. Water temperature is not higher than 20 ° C.

Summary of the use environment and conditions of the horizontal pump:

1. The frequency of power supply is 50Hz, and the rated voltage is 380V or 660V (5%positive and negative).

2. The volume ratio of the solid object of the conveying medium is below 2%, and the density of the conveying medium is 1.2 X 10.

3. The temperature of the conveying medium does not exceed 40 degrees.

4. The pH value of the conveying medium is 4-10.

5. Starting from the cooling state of the motor, the electric pump motor is exposed to the water surface in the short -term operation of the water pump.

6. Based on the center of the impeller, the depth must not exceed 20m.

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